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The economic crisis ushered in new opportunities 
for the development of domestic inverter
    At present, there are more than 300 inverter manufacturers in the Chinese market, and the main brands are also maintained at about 20 to 30. Foreign brands still dominate the market of medium and low voltage inverter in China.

    At present, most of the inverter manufacturers purchase and use these power modules to manufacture the inverter, so the threshold of inverter production is getting lower and lower, and the market competition is becoming more and more fierce. As the inverter products generally have a mature period of about 3 years, whether the quality is reliable and whether the performance is stable requires the inspection of the customer's use time. Due to the short history of most local enterprises and the short time for many new products to enter the market, it is difficult to compete with the long-standing international famous brands in terms of product maturity and brand awareness.

    China's inverter market is still price-oriented, which may lead to many international brands in the domestic promotion of inverter models and international differences, but also provides a certain opportunity for the development of local inverter brands. Although the automation products of Chinese brands have made great progress in recent years, there is still much room for improvement and perfection in front of this trend. For a non mainstream manufacturer of China's transmission products in the growing period, the economic downturn provides a huge opportunity for domestic manufacturers. The reasons include: the decline of the market will certainly lead to increased competition. In order to reduce costs, more and more domestic and foreign high-end manufacturing industries will re-examine Chinese products with certain cost advantages. This gives domestic producers more opportunities. For the coming of the next economic cycle, each industry has accelerated the pace of industrial upgrading, which provides more opportunities for the control system providers with comprehensive competitiveness to participate.

    A series of stimulus plans from the Chinese government have made the inverter market in China more active than that in the international market. Among them, the steel industry, textile industry, equipment manufacturing industry, light industry and petrochemical industry in the "revitalization plan" of the top ten industries are all direct user industries in the drive market, and the inverter market has benefited a lot. As one of the sharp tools of energy saving, consumption reduction and emission reduction, frequency converter has been widely used in power equipment. For the inverter manufacturers, in the next 30 years, the inverter, especially the high-voltage inverter, plays an extremely obvious role in the power energy saving and consumption reduction, and the inverter has become the first choice of more and more power industry transformation technology. The macro-control of national policies and the introduction of energy conservation and emission reduction policies make the industry generally believe that frequency converter is ushering in a golden period of development.