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Congratulations on the success of the test instrument training course of Guizhou Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Association

In the beautiful season of spring, yingyuyanhui and willow catkins, we welcome leaders and friends of Guizhou construction engineering quality inspection association to Shangyu.

    On the morning of May 20, the test instrument training class of Guizhou construction engineering quality inspection association was held in Kaiyuan Hotel, Shangyu. Sun Haixia from our company gave a wonderful speech.

On the afternoon of May 20, the association visited our company for training. Accompanied by Ruan Weixin, chairman of our company, Ruan Haixiang, general manager and other leaders, all leading friends of the association visited the factory workshop and conducted further communication. After that, with the introduction of our company's technicians, we observed and operated our universal material testing machine, pressure testing machine and other testing instruments on the spot.


During the visit, all leaders and friends were very interested in all kinds of test instruments of our company, and highly praised and appreciated them, and expressed their confidence and expectation for broadening cooperation space in the future.



In the future, our company will also make more efforts to innovate, improve, forge ahead, make more and better products to serve the market, and work together with you to move forward towards a higher and stronger tomorrow. Our company sincerely looks forward to cooperating with you in the future to create a better future.